Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus

Student Informartion

Attention Students!

  • Contact your resource advisor at ACCESS if you would like to have your name on a list of students who may need emergency help after a hurricane or other disaster.
  • If you have not applied for Financial Aid for 2012-2013, please see your resource advisor immediately!
  • All students are required to have an MDC Account. If you do not have one click Create my MDC Account

Resource Links

The Links below are categorized by Accessibility ProjectsBlind / Low Vision LinksCampus MapDeaf & Hard of Hearing LinksLegal RightsPolicies and ProceduresScholarshipsTips for Student Success, and Web Accessibility Standards

Accessibility Projects

Blind / Low Vision Links

Campus Map

Deaf / Hard of Hearing Links

Legal Rights

Policies and Procedures


Tips for Student Success

Web Accessibility Standards

Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution and does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, marital status, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, or genetic information. Contact the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs/ADA Coordinator, at 305.237.2577 for information.