ACCESS is the Wolfson Campus' disability service center staffed with six Resource Advisors who are specially trained to guide students through the registration process and develop a unique set of accommodations and services for each student that is built upon their strengths and abilities. Students are engaged regularly to become involved in the ACCESS sponsored student organization, an internship or opportunity with a community service agency. Through grants and work with the Center for Community Involvement, we have learned that these kinds of experiences can have a profound impact upon our student's academic success and lead to our outstanding record of student program completion.
Students who have a documented disability are eligible for services. A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of an individual’s major life activities. These may include visual, hearing, or speech impairment, others physical conditions, including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV-related illness, and various chronic diseases. Other disabilities include learning disabilities, mental health or psychological disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD), and substance abuse disorders. Documentation should be provided by a licensed or certified professional, such as a physician, a psychologist, an audiologist, a learning disabilities specialist, etc., who has evaluated the individual within the past three years, or provided by an educational institution where services have been provided previously.
The ACCESS Staff serve as a Resource Advisors who guide students through their academic programs, train them in strategies and skills to enhance their academic performance, and work with faculty to provide accommodations or course modifications that allows students with disabilities to participate fully in the educational and social activities of the college. Depending on documentation, students may be eligible for testing accommodations, such as extra time in a quiet room, or in-class accommodations, such as note taker, a captionist, or a sign language interpreter. Our lab is equipped with the latest in adaptive technology to accommodate the needs of students with vision or hearing impairments or students with learning disabilities. Some students may be eligible for course substitutions or waivers of specific testing required for graduation.
ACCESS provides tutorials in language and math for eligible students.