Miami Dade College



The Digital Tech Internship Program is made available through funding from the Carl Perkins Grant. The purpose of these funds is to provide technological training and other professional development that will lead to enhanced employment opportunities. The program is also sponsored by the MEED Program which provides employment assistance and resources as well as advanced digital technology training for students with disabilities.

What is our goal?

The Digital Tech Internship Program will assist students to learn both technology and professional skills that improve employment opportunities.

What services are available in the Digital Tech Studio?

  • Orientation
  • Computer Tutorials
  • Professional skills training
  • Work experience

What kind of projects can you help develop?

  • A resume
  • A slide presentation
  • Flyers, posters, newsletters
  • Photo albums and books
  • Videos


You're in an AS, College Credit, or Vocational Certificate Program

What are the steps?

  1. Register with the Internship Coordinator

  2. Go to the Digital Tech Studio for Orientation

  3. Have fun with your project(s)!

Your Goal:

Use your experience with us to improve your employment opportunities!!

Accessibility Toolbar

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Did you know there is an add-on for Firefox that lets you choose your own preferred reading contrast setting? You should check out Readability for Firefox. Don't have Firefox installed? No problem, you can visit Readable and read any article from any website with your preferred saved settings.


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